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  1. A Hymn Before Battle (2000) by John Ringo
  2. Gust Front (2001) by John Ringo
  3. When the Devil Dances (2002) by John Ringo
  4. Hell's Faire (2003) by John Ringo
  5. The Hero (2004) by John Ringo & Michael Z. Williamson
  6. Cally's War (2004) by John Ringo & Julie Cochrane
  7. Watch on the Rhine (2005) by John Ringo & Tom Kratman

Prince Roger

  1. March Upcountry (2001) by John Ringo & David Weber
  2. March to the Sea (2001) by John Ringo & David Weber
  3. March to the Stars (2003) by John Ringo & David Weber
  4. We Few (2005) by John Ringo & David Weber

Council Wars

  1. There will be Dragons (2003) by John Ringo
  2. Emerald Sea (2004) by John Ringo
  3. Against the Tide (2004) by John Ringo
  4. East of the Sun, West of the Moon (2006) by John Ringo

Paladin of Shadows

  1. Ghost (2005) by John Ringo


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