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  !! Books by David Weber

__##See also BookListHonor##__

[book:0743435842]__[booklink: 0743435842:The Excalibur Alternative]__ %%% by David Weber (based in a universe created by David Drake in ''Foreign Legions'')[book:end]
[book:0743435842]__[booklink: 0743435842:The Excalibur Alternative]__ %%% by David Weber (based in a universe created by ["David Drake" BookListAuthorDrake] in ''Foreign Legions'')[book:end]


[book:r0671877798]__[booklink: 0671877798:In Death Ground]__ %%% by David Weber & Steve White[book:end]

[book:074347144X]__[booklink: 074347144X:The Shiva Option]__ %%% by David Weber & Steve White[book:end]

[book:r1416520546]__[booklink:1416520546:In Fury Born]__ %%% by David Weber

[book:141650933X]__[booklink:141650933X:Empire from the Ashes]__ %%% by David Weber

Trilogy in one book, previously published separately as:
1. [booklink:0671720856:Mutineer's Moon]%%%
2. [booklink:0671721976:The Armageddon Inheritance] %%%
3. [booklink:0671877070:Heirs of Empire]

[book:r0765315009]%%%__[booklink:0765315009:Off Armageddon Reef]__ %%% by David Weber



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["Honor Harrington" BookListHonor] %%%
["David Weber Website"] %%%
["Baen Books - Weber"]

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