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By Frank Herbert

  1. Dune
  2. Dune Messiah
  3. Children of Dune
  4. God Emperor of Dune
  5. Heretics of Dune
  6. Chapterhouse: Dune

By Brian Herbert and Kevin J. Anderson

  1. Dune: House Atreides
  2. Dune: House Harkonnen
  3. Dune: House Corrino

  1. Dune, The Butlerian Jihad (2002)
  2. Dune, The Machine Crusade (2003)
  3. Dune, The Battle of Corrin (2004)

  1. Hunters of Dune (2006)
  2. Sandworms of Dune (2007)
  3. Paul of Dune (forthcoming)


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