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Robert Asprin's Myth Series is my all time favorite set of books.
I highly recommend them to any and all ages. -- KitzKikz

Class Dis-Mythed
by Robert Aspirin & Jody Lynn Nye

After years as a court magician and inter-dimensional hero, Skeeve needed a rest. So he took some time off to study magic and relax. When a few months later several members of the M.Y.T.H. Inc. Team each ask him to train some talented, young magicians in "practical magic" he has to agree. But after the assassins attack and a manticore tries to eat them, the Khlad mage soon discovers that there is more going on than learning. His students are preparing for a very deadly magical game and you won't believe where. Worse yet, the game may be fixed, and the only way to save his students lives is for Skeeve to risk his own.

Myth-Taken Identity
by Robert Aspirin & Jody Lynn Nye

A grand opening not to be mythed. Someone - or something - masquerading as Skeeve the Magnificent is racking up hundreds of thousands of gold pieces of debt. And it's up to Aahz the Pervect (not pervert!) to put an end to the shopping spree. Turns out it's not the interest rates that will kill Skeeve, but a pack of shape-shifting mall rats who are draining their victims' essence along with their funds. So Aahz and the gang - Chumley the Purple Troll and Massha the Court Magician - are setting up shop to trap the mall rats before they all get put out of business...permanently.

  1. Another Fine Myth
  2. Myth Conceptions
  3. Myth Directions
  4. Hit or Myth
  5. Myth-ing Persons
  6. Little Myth Marker
  7. Myth-Nomers and Imp-Pervections
  8. M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link
  9. M.Y.T.H. Inc. in Action
  10. Sweet Myth-tery of Life
  11. Myth-ion Improbable
  12. Something M.Y.T.H. Inc.
  13. Myth Alliances
  14. Myth-taken Identity
  15. Class Dis-Mythed


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