<!--ewiki_google_block For my own twisted interest, I ran a few unix file compression methods on 25,000 concatenated copies of the ["Declaration of Independence" http://earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/freedom/doi/text.html] (html version, 13,641 bytes). |{ border=0 }{ align=right bgcolor=gray style=color:white }{ width=110 } __Method__ |{ width=100 } __Bytes__ |{ width=120 } __Time__ |{ width=80 } __Ratio__ | |{ align=right } Uncompressed: | 341,025,000 | - | 0.000% | |{ align=right } compress: | 90,666,281 | 3m 39.374s | 73.414% | |{ align=right } bzip2: | 4,859,921 | 1h 45m 55.446s | 98.575% | |{ align=right } zip: | 2,378,380 | 1m 51.983s | 99.303% | |{ align=right } gzip: | 2,378,313 | 1m 43.769s | 99.303% | |{ align=right } gzip -9: | 2,319,264 | 1m 42.842s | 99.320% | Looks like gzip is the winner. ---- __How to create a file containing 25,000 copies of the ["Declaration of Independence" http://earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/freedom/doi/text.html]__ __Brute Force Method:__ <pre> curl !http://earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/freedom/doi/text.html > f cat f f f f f f f f f f > fd cat fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd fd > fh cat fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh fh > fk cat fk fk fk fk fk fk fk fk fk fk > f10k cat f10k f10k fk fk fk fk fk > doi25k rm f fd fh fk f10k </pre> __Perl Method:__ <pre> perl -e 'print `curl !http://earlyamerica.com/earlyamerica/freedom/doi/text.html` x 25000' > doi25k </pre> ---- __##Let freedom ring!##__ |