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Q: Why the name Sogudi?
A: "So far, so good." --> Safari Sogudi.

Q: I lost, misplaced, or messed up the Sogudi window. How can I get it back?
A: Using a text editor:

  1. Edit the Safari's preferences file at "~/Library/Preferences/"
  2. Remove the lines:
    <key>NSWindow Frame SogudiShortcuts</key>
    <string> some numbers are here </string>
  3. Save the edited file, and the Sogudi window will revert to it's factory location.

Q: I messed up my shortcuts, how can I go back to the default settings?
A: Delete the file "~/Library/Application Support/SogudiShortcuts.plist". Sogudi will then reload the factory set of shortcuts.

Q: Installer doesn't work or gets an error. What can I do?
A: This has been fixed in version 0.4.3 because I switched to a different installer. If you still have trouble, please let me know at sogudi»atamadison

Q: If I upgrade OS X versions, will I lose Sogudi or my shortcuts?
A: Maybe, it depends on the upgrade version, method you use, phase of the moon, and if you keep your fingers crossed. To be safe:

  1. Before upgrading, backup the SogudiShortcuts.plist file inside the "~/Library/Application Support" folder.
  2. After the upgrade, reinstall Sogudi and put your backup shortcuts file back.

Q: Why doesn't the "Sogudi" item appear in the edit menu for my German / French / ... version of Safari.
A: This has been fixed in version 0.4b!

Q: Do you plan to charge for this program after the final release? If so, how much?
A: No plans to charge at this time. This will likely start a debate. At least it seems to everywhere else. So, here is the link: SogudiFreeOrNot



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