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Q: Why the name Sogudi?
A: "So far, so good." --> Safari Sogudi.

Q: I don't understand this "@@@" thing. What does "Put @@@ into the Destination URL where you wish substitution to take place" mean? It is diffucult to translate this into another language...

A: An example may help:

Let's say you do a search on google for the green goblin. This produces the following URL:

Now, I want to make a shortcut "goo" that will allow me to search for anything on Google:
shortcut = goo
destination URL =

Notice that I put the "@@@" where the search terms should go.

So, when I type "goo garfield cat", Sogudi takes the words "garfield cat", and substitutes them into the URL in place of the @@@. Giving us:

Q: I lost, misplaced, or messed up the Sogudi window. How can I get it back?
A: Using a text editor:

  1. Edit the Safari's preferences file at "~/Library/Preferences/"
  2. Remove the lines:
    <key>NSWindow Frame SogudiShortcuts</key>
    <string> some numbers are here </string>
  3. Save the edited file, and the Sogudi window will revert to it's factory location.

Q: I messed up my shortcuts, how can I go back to the default settings?
A: Delete the file "~/Library/Application Support/SogudiShortcuts.plist". Sogudi will then reload the factory set of shortcuts.

Q: If I upgrade OS X versions, will I lose Sogudi or my shortcuts?
A: Maybe, it depends on the upgrade version, method you use, phase of the moon, and if you keep your fingers crossed. To be safe:

  1. Before upgrading, backup the SogudiShortcuts.plist file inside the "~/Library/Application Support" folder.
  2. After the upgrade, reinstall Sogudi and put your backup shortcuts file back.

Q: Do you plan to charge for this program after the final release? If so, how much?
A: No plans to charge at this time. This will likely start a debate. At least it seems to everywhere else. So, here is the link: SogudiFreeOrNot

Q: Is there anything like this for Windows?
A: Yeah. Dave's Quick Search Toolbar and there are some cool tricks that it does that Sogudi might do someday, including currency conversion ...

Note: Most of the things that Dave's Quick Search Toolbar does can be accomplished using Sogudi shortcuts. Currency Conversions, Mathematical Expressions, People Lookup, etc. can all be done with Google now. There are examples of weather, stock quotes, reverse phone lookups, etc. on the SogudiTips page. -- KitzKikz

Q: You state on the SogudiFreeOrNot page that Sogudi has been installed on 900 separate computers. Does it phone home?
A: When Sogudi checks the central server for a newer version, the http server registers this as a hit and logs the typical information (ip address, client OS, etc.). This is the same log file all web servers use to track statistics. I counted unique ip addresses to get the count above, which is not an entirely accurate count of individual users. I imagine it is quite a lot higher now, though.

Q: How do I create a shortcut for sites that require queries be submitted using POST rather than GET?
A: I'm not sure, but take a look at the frmget bookmarklet at


  The following are obsolete FAQ (They've been addressed by a newer version of Sogudi):

Q: Why doesn't the "Sogudi" item appear in the edit menu for my German / French / ... version of Safari.
A: This has been fixed in version 0.4b!

Q: Installer doesn't work or gets an error. What can I do?
A: This has been fixed in version 0.4.3 because I switched to a different installer. If you still have trouble, please let me know at sogudi»atamadison

Q: Is it possible to configure Sogudi not to write search strings and typed URLs into the console log? This creates a lot of clutter when one is monitoring the log, as well as being an unnecessary leak of potentially quite personal information. If it's not possible now, can you consider either eliminating the log feature from a future version or adding the option to turn it off?
A: This has been fixed in version 0.4.4



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