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  |{ cellpadding=2 border=1 cellspacing=0 width=60% align=center }{ bgcolor=#9999FF } __WARNING:__ As of 01-Jan-2009, Sogudi is no longer supported and development has ceased. I have many reasons for this, but the only one that matters is that I no longer have the source code due to a simultaneous crash of my main and backup drives. I've spent more than a year trying to recover the code, but I've now admitted defeat and no longer intend to work on this project. My apologies to everyone -- ''KitzKikz'' |


This is an attempt to track some issues that have arisen with Sogudi that don't belong on the [FAQ|SogudiFAQ] or [Feedback|SogudiFeedback] pages. I hesitate to call this a bug tracker, because many of the issues are not bugs. So, I'll call it an issue tracker :-)

To add an issue click on the "Add an Issue" at the top of the list below.


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