TITLE: Sogudi converts plus signs.
PROBLEM:See below.
SOLUTION:Fixed in Sogudi version 0.4.6 STATUS: CLOSED 9-Apr-2005
CORRESPONDENCEI have one problem to report (although it rarely bothers me anyways): Sogudi doesn't deal with '+' (and probably other characters) well, at least in Google searches. For example, I can enter '+the +and +or' into Google itself, and receive this URL: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&safe=off&q=%2Bthe+%... . However, when I attempt the same with a Sogudi/Google search, I receive this incorrect URL: http://www.google.com/search?q=+the++and++or&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 Anyways, thanks for a very handy, time-saving product! -- Ron D, Nov 5 2004
I've bound g shortcut to Google! search and when I look for something relating to C++, for example "g c++ runtime_error" Sogudi doesn't URL encode the plus signs to %2B:s, which results to pluses being converted to spaces in the destination URL. I think this applies to other non-alpha characters too.. -- Samuli G, 25-Dec-2004