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TITLE: Can't type anymore.


Once I use the Shortcut, the keyboard won't work. for example, I have set up eb, to be ebay sells, the shortcut works but then if I try to type something, nothing appears, all stay blank. The keyboard works on other programs, I can write, but if I try to type something on safari, it is not working.. Thanks for help.


This sounds like a conflict between Sogudi and some other Safari add-on. I need more information to troubleshoot.

  1. What version of Sogudi?
  2. What version of Safari?
  3. What version of Mac OS X?
  4. Are there other InputManagers or Plugins installed? Which ones?



Thanks for answering... Ok I have the Sogudi version " 0.4.6 " Then I have Safari Version 2.0.3 (417.9.2) And Mac OS X 10.4.6 I don't have any other inputManagers but I have Plugins Installed...... here is the whole list... : ( I can email you a screen shoot in needed )

Java Plug-in for Cocoa Java 1.4.2_09 Plug-in (Cocoa) — from file “JavaPluginCocoa?.bundle”. MIME Type Description Extensions application/x-java-jnlp-file Java Web Start Applications jnlp application/x-java-applet Basic Java Applets javaapplet

Flip4Mac WMV Web Plugin The Flip4Mac WMV Plugin allows you to view Windows Media content using QuickTime?. — from file “Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.webplugin”. MIME Type Description Extensions video/x-ms-wm Windows Media Video wm video/x-ms-asf-plugin Windows Media Plugin video/x-ms-asf Windows Media Video asf audio/x-ms-wax Windows Media Playlist wax application/asx Windows Media Plugin video/x-ms-asx Windows Media Playlist asx video/x-ms-wmv Windows Media Video wmv application/x-mplayer2 Windows Media Plugin application/x-oleobject Overrides the Windows Media Active X Control video/x-ms-wmp Windows Media Video wmp video/x-ms-wmx Windows Media Playlist wmx audio/x-ms-wma Windows Media Audio wma video/x-ms-wvx Windows Media Playlist wvx

RealPlayer?(tm) G2 LiveConnect?-Enabled Plug-in (Mac) RealPlayer?(tm) LiveConnect?-Enabled Plug-in — from file “RealPlayer? Plugin”. MIME Type Description Extensions audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin RealPlayer?(tm) as Plug-in rpm

Java Plug-in Java 1.3.1 Plug-in — from file “Java Applet.plugin”. MIME Type Description Extensions application/x-java-vm 1.3.1 Specific Java Applets javaapplettags application/x-java-applet Basic Java Applets javaapplet Shockwave for Director Macromedia Shockwave for Director Netscape plug-in, version 10.1.0 — from file “NP-PPC-Dir-Shockwave”. MIME Type Description Extensions application/x-director Shockwave Movie dcr,dir,dxr Java Plug-in (CFM) Java 1.3.1 Plug-in (CFM) — from file “Java Applet Plugin Enabler”. MIME Type Description Extensions application/x-java-vm 1.3.1 Specific Java Applets javaapplettags application/x-java-applet Basic Java Applets javaapplet Shockwave Flash Shockwave Flash 8.0 r22 — from file “Flash Player.plugin”. MIME Type Description Extensions application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf application/futuresplash FutureSplash? Player spl QuickTime? Plug-in 7.0.4 The QuickTime? Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime? Web site. — from file “QuickTime? Plugin.plugin”. MIME Type Description Extensions image/x-targa TGA image targa,tga image/x-tiff TIFF image tif,tiff image/x-pict PICT image pict,pic,pct image/tiff TIFF image tif,tiff image/x-png PNG image png audio/x-mpeg3 MP3 audio mp3,swa audio/vnd.qcelp QUALCOMM PureVoice? audio qcp,qcp image/x-sgi SGI image sgi,rgb audio/x-gsm GSM audio gsm audio/aiff AIFF audio aiff,aif,aifc,cdda audio/x-mpeg MPEG audio mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,mp2,mpm,mpa,m2a,mp3,swa audio/x-wav WAVE audio wav,bwf video/avi Video For Windows (AVI) avi,vfw audio/x-aiff AIFF audio aiff,aif,aifc,cdda image/png PNG image png image/x-bmp BMP image bmp,dib video/x-mpeg MPEG media mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa audio/mid MIDI mid,midi,smf,kar image/pict PICT image pict,pic,pct video/quicktime QuickTime? Movie mov,qt,mov,qt,mqv application/sdp SDP stream descriptor sdp audio/x-midi MIDI mid,midi,smf,kar audio/x-aac AAC audio aac,adts audio/midi MIDI mid,midi,smf,kar video/sd-video SD video sdv video/x-m4v Video (protected) m4v video/3gpp2 3GPP2 media 3g2,3gp2 image/x-jpeg2000-image JPEG2000 image jp2 image/jpeg2000 JPEG2000 image jp2 video/mp4 MPEG-4 media mp4 application/x-mpeg AMC media amc image/x-macpaint MacPaint? image pntg,pnt,mac video/flc AutoDesk? Animator (FLC) flc,fli,cel image/x-quicktime QuickTime? image qtif,qti image/jp2 JPEG2000 image jp2 audio/mp4 MPEG-4 media mp4 audio/x-mp3 MP3 audio mp3,swa audio/amr AMR audio amr video/mpeg MPEG media mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa audio/3gpp2 3GPP2 media 3g2,3gp2 image/jpeg2000-image JPEG2000 image jp2 audio/basic uLaw/AU audio au,snd,ulw video/3gpp 3GPP media 3gp,3gpp audio/aac AAC audio aac,adts audio/mpeg MPEG audio mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,mp2,mpm,mpa,m2a,mp3,swa audio/x-m4p AAC audio (protected) m4p audio/x-m4a AAC audio m4a application/x-rtsp RTSP stream descriptor rtsp,rts audio/3gpp 3GPP media 3gp,3gpp audio/wav WAVE audio wav,bwf video/x-msvideo Video For Windows (AVI) avi,vfw audio/x-m4b AAC audio book m4b audio/x-caf CAF audio caf video/msvideo Video For Windows (AVI) avi,vfw application/x-sdp SDP stream descriptor sdp audio/mpeg3 MP3 audio mp3,swa audio/mp3 MP3 audio mp3,swa NPSVG3Carbon Adobe SVG Viewer v3.0 for Macintosh — from file “NPSVG3Carbon”. MIME Type Description Extensions image/svg+xml SVG Document svg,svgz image/vnd.adobe.svg+xml SVG Document svg,svgz image/svg-xml SVG Document svg,svgz Flip4Mac WMV Plugin 2.0.2 The Flip4Mac WMV Plugin allows you to view Windows Media content using QuickTime?. — from file “Flip4Mac WMV Plugin.plugin”. MIME Type Description Extensions video/x-ms-wm Windows Media Video wm video/x-ms-asf-plugin Windows Media Plugin video/x-ms-asf Windows Media Video asf audio/x-ms-wax Windows Media Playlist wax application/asx Windows Media Plugin video/x-ms-asx Windows Media Playlist asx video/x-ms-wmv Windows Media Video wmv application/x-mplayer2 Windows Media Plugin video/x-ms-wmp Windows Media Video wmp video/x-ms-wmx Windows Media Playlist wmx audio/x-ms-wma Windows Media Audio wma video/x-ms-wvx Windows Media Playlist wvx Shockwave Flash Shockwave Flash 8.0 r22 — from file “Flash Player Enabler.plugin”. MIME Type Description Extensions application/x-shockwave-flash Shockwave Flash swf application/futuresplash FutureSplash? Player spl QuickTime? Plug-In 7.0.4 The QuickTime? Plugin allows you to view a wide variety of multimedia content in web pages. For more information, visit the QuickTime? Web site. — from file “QuickTime? Plugin.webplugin”. MIME Type Description Extensions image/x-targa TGA image targa,tga image/x-tiff TIFF image tif,tiff image/x-pict PICT image pict,pic,pct image/tiff TIFF image tif,tiff image/x-png PNG image png audio/x-mpeg3 MP3 audio mp3,swa audio/vnd.qcelp QUALCOMM PureVoice? audio qcp,qcp image/x-sgi SGI image sgi,rgb audio/x-gsm GSM audio gsm audio/aiff AIFF audio aiff,aif,aifc,cdda audio/x-mpeg MPEG audio mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,mp2,mpm,mpa,m2a,mp3,swa audio/x-wav WAVE audio wav,bwf video/avi Video For Windows (AVI) avi,vfw audio/x-aiff AIFF audio aiff,aif,aifc,cdda image/png PNG image png image/x-bmp BMP image bmp,dib video/x-mpeg MPEG media mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa audio/mid MIDI mid,midi,smf,kar image/pict PICT image pict,pic,pct video/quicktime QuickTime? Movie mov,qt,mov,qt,mqv application/sdp SDP stream descriptor sdp audio/x-midi MIDI mid,midi,smf,kar audio/x-aac AAC audio aac,adts audio/midi MIDI mid,midi,smf,kar video/sd-video SD video sdv video/x-m4v Video (protected) m4v video/3gpp2 3GPP2 media 3g2,3gp2 image/x-jpeg2000-image JPEG2000 image jp2 image/jpeg2000 JPEG2000 image jp2 video/mp4 MPEG-4 media mp4 application/x-mpeg AMC media amc image/x-macpaint MacPaint? image pntg,pnt,mac video/flc AutoDesk? Animator (FLC) flc,fli,cel image/x-quicktime QuickTime? image qtif,qti image/jp2 JPEG2000 image jp2 audio/mp4 MPEG-4 media mp4 audio/x-mp3 MP3 audio mp3,swa audio/amr AMR audio amr video/mpeg MPEG media mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1v,m1a,m75,m15,mp2,mpm,mpv,mpa audio/3gpp2 3GPP2 media 3g2,3gp2 image/jpeg2000-image JPEG2000 image jp2 audio/basic uLaw/AU audio au,snd,ulw video/3gpp 3GPP media 3gp,3gpp audio/aac AAC audio aac,adts audio/mpeg MPEG audio mpeg,mpg,m1s,m1a,mp2,mpm,mpa,m2a,mp3,swa audio/x-m4p AAC audio (protected) m4p audio/x-m4a AAC audio m4a application/x-rtsp RTSP stream descriptor rtsp,rts audio/3gpp 3GPP media 3gp,3gpp audio/wav WAVE audio wav,bwf video/x-msvideo Video For Windows (AVI) avi,vfw audio/x-m4b AAC audio book m4b audio/x-caf CAF audio caf video/msvideo Video For Windows (AVI) avi,vfw application/x-sdp SDP stream descriptor sdp audio/mpeg3 MP3 audio mp3,swa audio/mp3 MP3 audio mp3,swa Adobe Acrobat and Reader Plug-in Adobe Acrobat and Reader Plug-in for Web Browsers, Version 7.0.5 — from file “AdobePDFViewer?.plugin”. MIME Type Description Extensions application/pdf Acrobat Portable Document Format pdf application/vnd.adobe.xdp+xml XML Data Package xdp application/vnd.fdf Acrobat Forms Data Format fdf application/vnd.adobe.xfdf Acrobat Forms Data Format in XML xfdf application/vnd.adobe.xfd+xml FormFlow99? Data File xfd

I know this is long and I am sorry. I just clicked Help and got the list from " View installed plugins "

Thanks again for helping



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