!!!Warning! * Make any of these changes at your own risk. * These are unsupported and some, if handled incorrectly, could cause additional problems to your system. * These require a knowledge of perl, unix, and/or html programming. !!!Man Page Rendering You can customize the way man pages are displayed by Sogudi: # Sogudi uses ["man2html" http://www.oac.uci.edu/indiv/ehood/man2html.html] to render the pages. # Requires a knowledge of perl, unix, and html programming. # Modify ~/Library/!InputManagers/Sogudi/Sogudi.bundle/Contents/Plugins/!SogudiInside.bundle/Contents/Resources/man2html # Installing or Upgrading Sogudi will overwrite this file with the pre-packaged version, so backup your changes. You can turn off/on the interception of the "man:" protocol by Sogudi (in case you wish to use some other utility that does, as of 11-Apr-2005 there was only one other): # Quit Safari (you can do this without quitting Safari by deactivating and reactivating Sogudi, but due to the cacheing of system defaults, results vary). # Open a terminal window # Make a change to Safari's user defaults settings: #* OFF: defaults write com.apple.Safari !SogudiInterceptMan NO #* ON: defaults write com.apple.Safari !SogudiInterceptMan YES # De-activate & reactivate Sogudi from the Sogudi editor window. You may have to close and re-open the Sogudi window between these changes to get the system to reload the user defaults (this seems a bit unreliable to me, I'll continue researching how to get the defaults to update immediately). Or...quitting and restarting Safari will work every time. # Open Safari. |