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The shortcuts on the SogudiTips pages can be copied by:

  1. Control-clicking or right-clicking on the string and selecting "Copy Link to Clipboard".
  2. Then open the Sogudi edit window
  3. Click the "+" button to create a new shortcut
  4. Type the name for the shortcut
  5. Tab to the URL field, and
  6. Paste the URL.

It couldn't be any simpler ... or could it? Stay tuned for an upcoming version of Sogudi that recognizes the 'sogudi:' specifier. For example, clicking on sogudi:review= would instantly add the entire shortcut to your Sogudi window. Of course, clicking on it now won't work ...



 EditThisPage · LinksToPage · PageInfo 03/04/06 23:05:18  ·  0.0753s