WikiWikiWeb is the name of a Hypertext system implemented as an application on top of the World Wide Web, which tries to make it fast, easy, and simple to contribute to existing content. !!Some Other !WikiWikiWebs [WardsWiki | http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WelcomeVisitors] - The very first wiki, created by Ward Cunningham. Definitely worth a visit. I could spend days browsing there ... come to think of it, I have. !!Other !WikiWikiWebs The following are some other Wiki's that exist. I have not been to them all and cannot vouch for their quality nor can I say which is appropriate for which audience. So please use your own judgement. I have filled in a comment where I could. [WikiPedia | http://www.wikipedia.com] - Neato way to look things up. Pretty extensive as far as I can tell. [ErfurtWiki|http://erfurtwiki.sourceforge.net] - Software which implements a Wiki application in the [PHP web scripting language | http://www.php.net/]. [PhpWiki | http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php3] - Another Wiki application written in [PHP | http://www.php.net]. Others that I haven't checked, caveat emptor: ;:[MeatballWiki | http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl] ;:[UseMod | http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl] ;:[LinuxWiki | http://linuxwiki.de/] ;:[OpenWiki | http://openwiki.com/] ;:[Tavi | http://andstuff.org/tavi/] ;:[TWiki | http://twiki.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/view/] ;:[MoinMoin | http://www.purl.net/wiki/moin/] |{border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 }{bgcolor=grey style=color:white} __Name__ | __Comment__ | | ["WardsWiki" http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?WelcomeVisitors] | The very first wiki, created by Ward Cunningham. Definitely worth a visit. I could spend days browsing there ... come to think of it, I have. | | ["WikiPedia" http://www.wikipedia.com] | Neato way to look things up. Pretty extensive as far as I can tell. | | ["ErfurtWiki" http://erfurtwiki.sourceforge.net] | Software which implements a Wiki application in ["PHP" http://www.php.net/]. | | ["PhpWiki" http://phpwiki.sourceforge.net/phpwiki/index.php3] | Another Wiki application written in ["PHP" http://www.php.net]. | | ["MeatballWiki" http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl] | | | ["UseMod" http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/wiki.pl] | | | ["LinuxWiki" http://linuxwiki.de/] | | | ["OpenWiki" http://openwiki.com/] | | | ["Tavi" http://andstuff.org/tavi/] | | | ["TWiki" http://twiki.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/view/] | | | ["MoinMoin" http://www.purl.net/wiki/moin/] | | |{bgcolor=grey }{colspan=2 style=color:white }The following are not wikis, but they can be used to put search links into pages: | | ["Google" http://google.com] | [Google:Rocket Science] | | ["ISBN" http://www.amazon.com] | [ISBN:0-8072-8259-6] | | ["icq" http://www.icq.com] | ? | The above names can be used in ["InterWikiLinks" ExtendedWikiMarkup#Interwiki] |