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  This is the kit my friend found at Walmart which inspired me to finally try making wine myself. I didn't find the kit at Walmart and searched for a few days until I finally found it on the ["internet"]. During my searching I ended up buying a more conventional set of equipment from a local shop, so this isn't really my first attempt. Although, in the time frame of making wine, a difference of five days is negligible. So I consider this a co-premier attempt at making wine (WineBatch01). The equipment, ingredients, and instructions are similar but have enough differences to make them a complementary learning experience. It would be even better if I managed to make a decent bottle of wine.

__Major Ingredient:__ Wine Concentrate - Merlot %%%
__Expected Quantity:__ 1 Gallon %%%
__Actual Quantity:__ 4 Bottles

!Beginning (11-Oct-2005) #DayZero
Used half of the included sterilizer powder to sterilize all the equipment. Mixed concentrate with water and siphoned into the plastic container. Added the Bentonite & Yeast Nutrient. Sprinkled 1/4 tsp. of yeast into the container. Put cap and airlock onto the container.

The first real problem I see is that the opening on the container is skewed to the side, so the airlock is at an angle. I can't seem to find a way to straighten out the lid of the "cubitainer".

!Day One (12-Oct-2005) #DayOne
Fermentation started. Lots of large bubbles have almost filled the space above the liquid. Airlock is not moving.

!Day Two (13-Oct-2005) #DayTwo
Large bubbles have disappeared and fermentation has become rapid. I can hear and see thousands of bubbles. The airlock won't keep bubbling since it is slanted to the side. I have to thump it whenever I walk by to get it to release some of the internal air pressure.

!Day Three (14-Oct-2005) #DayThree
Rapid fermentation continues. The airlock has finally started moving on it's own.

!Day Seven (18-Oct-2005) #DaySeven
Fermentation has slowed. I can hear bubbles breaking the surface, but I can't see them, nor can I see anything happening with the air lock. The instructions say to start secondary fermentation on day ten, so I think it's on track.

!Day Nine (20-Oct-2005) #DayNine
Dead stop. No new bubbles seem to be forming and the air lock is competely silent. Tomorrow is the time assigned for transferring off the sediment for secondary fermentation. Personally, I don't think there will be any secondary fermentation, but I'm going to stay true to the directions.

!Day Ten (21-Oct-2005) #DayTen
__Secondary Fermentation:__ Used the racking tip to siphon the wine into another sanitized container. Dumped sediment left and cleaned out the original container. I was able to straighten out the opening so that the air lock will sit upright. I then siphoned the wine back into the "cubitainer" and put the screw cap and air lock back on.

I managed to taste the wine at this point while siphoning. It tastes just like wine with a big bite. Almost exactly like WineBatch01 tasted at this same point. So I can deduce one of two possibilities:
# Both batches are in good shape
# Both batches are in trouble

I optimistically choose to believe in deduction number one.

!Day Twenty-Three (3-Nov-2005) #DayTwentyThree
__Stabilizing:__ Racked wine out of and back into the cubitainer. Yes, it tastes like wine now, although it needs to mellow. I added the Potassium Sorbate and Potassium Metabisulfite according to the directions. I then put the cap and air lock back on.

!Day Twenty-Eight (8-Nov-2005) #DayTwentyEight
__Clearing:__ Added the contents of the packet labelled "Gelatin, Tartaric Acid, Sulphur Dioxide Solution and Pectinase", stirred, and placed cap and air lock back on.

!Day Thirty-One (11-Nov-2005) #DayThirtyOne
__Bottling:__ Using the siphon tube and racking tip provided in the kit, I was able to get 4 1/2 bottles of wine out of the cubitainer. I used the T-corks included in the kit and a heat gun made putting the shrink caps on a triviality. Now I have to wait 6 months before opening one of the bottles. My plan is to open one at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years to understand the difference. The fourth bottle is going to my friend who started me on this journey.


\\ __##Make Your Own Merlot Wine## %%% Complete Wine Making Kit__
\\ Lakeview Valey Farms %%% %%% µµ A division of %%% Natural Science Industries %%% 105 Price Parkway %%% Farmingdale, NY 11735-1318 %%% (585) 671-1955 µµ

__This kit includes:__
µµ%%%- 4 x 750 ml Glass Bottlesµµ
µµ%%%- 4 T-style corksµµ
µµ%%%- 4 shrink wrap cork coversµµ
µµ%%%- 4 bottle labelsµµ
µµ%%%- Concentrated grape juiceµµ
µµ%%%- Tubingµµ
µµ%%%- Racking Cane Tipµµ
µµ%%%- Measuring Spoon, double ended: 1/8 & 1/4 tspµµ
µµ%%%- 1 Gallon Cubitainer with Cap (Collabsible plastic)µµ
µµ%%%- 3 piece plastic econo Air Lockµµ
µµ%%%- Packet, Bentonite & Yeast Nutrientµµ
µµ%%%- Packet, Potassium Metabisulphite & Potassium Sorbateµµ
µµ%%%- Packet, Gelatin, Tartaric Acid, Sulfur Dioxide, & Pectinaseµµ
µµ%%%- Packet, Sterilizerµµ
µµ%%%- Packet, Wine Yeastµµ

__Cost: $30__

µµ__Grand Overview of the Directions__µµ
µµ%%%- Day 0: Mix ingredientsµµ
µµ%%%- Day 1: Primary Fermentµµ
µµ%%%- Day 10: 2nd Fermentµµ
µµ%%%- Day 23: Stabilizingµµ
µµ%%%- Day 28: Clearingµµ
µµ%%%- Day 31: Bottlingµµ

__Additional Purchases:__ %%%
µµ- Heat Gun, $20µµ

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