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  This is a wine kit that claims to take only 7 days. I had to special order and ship it from the UK (

''"!BelVino wine kits are based on dried fruit, herbs, and berries. Fermentation and clearing are both extremely fast - your wine will be ready to drink in only 7 days. All !BelVino wine kits are very easy to make and you only need to add sugar and water."''

__Kit Name:__ !BelVino Australian Red ( %%%
__Major Ingredients:__ Dried sloe, elderberries, raisins, oak chips, gooseberries, figs, hibiscus flowers %%%
__Expected Quantity:__ 6 gallons %%%
__Actual Quantity:__

|{ cellpadding=2 border=1 cellspacing=0 }{ align=center}{ colspan=5 } __PRIMARY FERMENTATION__ |
|{ bgcolor=gray style=color:white}__Date__|__Temperature__|__Specific Gravity__|__Titratable Acid__|__Notes__|
| 27-Nov-2005 | 82F | 1.072 | 0.19% | [#DayZero] |
| 29-Nov-2005 | 72F | 1.032 | 0.43% | [#DayTwo] |
| 2-Dec-2005 | 66F | 0.996 | 0.49% | [#DayFive] |

["Winemaking Home" WineMaking] %%%
["Winemaking Home" WineMaking] %%% %%%
["BelVino Instructions"] %%%


!Beginning (27-Nov-2005) #DayZero
__Beginning (27-Nov-2005):__ #DayZero
Mixed ingredients following the kit ["instructions"].

!Day Two (29-Nov-2005) #DayTwo
__Day Two (29-Nov-2005):__ #DayTwo
Took measurements, stirred, and covered.

!Day Five (2-Dec-2005) #DayFive
__Day Five (2-Dec-2005):__ #DayFive
Took measurements, stirred, and covered.

__Day Six (3-Dec-2005):__ #DaySix
Put an airlock on the fermentor so I can more easily see if the batch has finished fermentation ... it hasn't.

__Day Seven (4-Dec-2005):__ #DaySeven
Still fermenting. So much for their claim to a seven day wine kit. I'm still hoping this will be done early enough to be given as Christmas gifts.

  ·  0.0413s