__##EQUIPMENT##__ #[Equipment] Starter kit purchased from ["Wine and Hop Shop" http://www.wineandhop.com/] - Primary Fermentor, Bucket, 6.5 gal - Econo Air lock - Rubber stopper, #6 drilled - 6' syphon tubing - Hydrometer, 3-scale - Winemakers Recipe Handbook - 2 wine yeast - 2 oz. Acid Blend - 2 oz. Nutrient - 1 oz. Pectic Enzyme - 2 oz. Campden Tablets - 1 oz. Tannin - Wine Concentrate, 1 can __Extra Items:__ - Lid for fementor - Package of 1-Step Sanitizer - 8 oz. Bentonite __Total Cost: $70__ __Later Purchases:__ - Sugar - Auto-siphon - Racking Cane - 1 Gallon glass jug - 1/2 gallon glass jug - 2 Econo Airlocks - 2 #6 drilled rubber stoppers - Wine Thief, pipette type - Floating Thermometer - Measuring Tube - Long Plastic Stirring Spoon - Pill Crusher (from a Pharmacy) - Acid Testing Kit __Additional Cost: $70__ |