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  \\ __##Instructions for Alexander's Sun Country Concentrate: Genche Rose##__ #[Instructions]

|{ cellpadding=2 border=1 cellspacing=0 align=center }{ bgcolor=gray style=color:white}__Ingredients for 5 gallons__ | __White Wines %%% 10% Alc.__ | __Red Wines %%% 11% Alc.__ |
| Alexander's Concentrate | 2 - 46 fl. oz. cans | 2 - 46 fl. oz. cans |
| Cold Water (approx. 50F) | 11.5 cans | 11.5 cans |
| White granular sugar | 5 cups | 8 cups |
| Yeast Nutrient | 3 tsp. | 3 tsp. |
| Bentonite 4 tsp. or | 3/4 oz. | 3/4 oz. |
| Wine Yeast (1 pkg.) | 1/3 ounce | 1/3 ounce |
| Tartaric Acid / Acid Blend | 10 + or - 2 tsp. | 6 + or - 2 tsp. |

# Add all ingredients (except yeast) to a clean 5 gallon fermenting container. Mix well making sure all granular ingredients are dissolved (especially on the bottom).
# Dissolve wine yeast into about 1 cup of the above misture, then add to 5 gallon container. Mix container well.
# Mix container once a day to keep yeast from settling.
# After 3 or 4 days and if there are no bubbles or gas (evidence of fermentation), warm container to about 75F until surface bubbles are present. Continue mixing conatiner once a day. Remove from warm place after fermentation starts.
# Fermentation is complete when gassing off has subsided and there is a sediment formed in the bottom of the container. After 20-30 days, as a rule, fermentation at 80F is shorter than at 60F. Specific gravity 1.000 or less.
# Allow wine to settle out one to two weeks after fermentation is complete. No further mixing.
# Rack - syphon off top clear wine (be careful not todisturb the heavy sediment at the bottom) into another clean 5 gallon container. Discard the heavy sediment.
# Add 1 or 1 1/2 campden tablets per gallon of wine. One tablet equals 50 ppm of sulfur dioxide per gallon, or add approx. 1/2 teaspoon metabisulfite per 5 gallons.

- Wine will naturally settle out on its own in 3 months (most of the time). If not, further fining is required.
- Sparkaloid - heat 1/4 to 1/8 ounce in whater (1/2 cup) for 15 minutes at about 180F. Then add to wine and mix container.
- Use 1 tsp. granular gelatin mix into 1/4 cups boiling water mix into 5 gal. wine. Add 3 tsp. of Nalco Colloidal Silica fining agent #1072 into wine and gently stir.

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