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Here are some useful calculations. I keep forgetting these and then suddenly remembered that I'm blogging all this, so why trust to my memory?

Percent Alcohol from Specific Gravity

PA = 131 * ( SGf - SG0 )
SGf = Final Specific Gravity
SG0 = Initial Specific Gravity

Titratable Acid (in Percent)

TA = 7.5 * N * V / S
N = Normality or Concentration of the NaOH (usually 0.2N)
V = Volume (in ml) of NaOH added
S = Volume (in ml) of Sample taken from wine

Adding Acid Blend

delta-TA = 0.15% * X / G
X = delta-TA * G / 0.15%
delta-TA = Expected/desired change in Titratable Acid
0.15% = 1 tsp. Acid Blend in 1 gallon wine
X = Amount of Acid Blend added (in tsp.)
G = Amount of wine the powder is disolved into (in gallons)



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