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- iTunes
- Mac OS X 10.3 or later
- Mac OS X 10.2 and System Events 1.2 (There was a download, but I can't find it).
- GUI Scripting ["enabled"]


Put script into ~/Library/iTunes/Scripts


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!Applescript Source Code
-- Constants
property allOptions : {
"Book Title",
"Disc Total",
"Track Prefix",
"Join Tracks (Yes/No)"

-- Stored Variables (first run only)
property mySettings : {"", "", "", "", "Books & Spoken", "Yes"}
property myDisc : 1

tell application "iTunes"
-- Get the library
set the_library to (get a reference to library playlist 1)

with timeout of 31000 seconds -- i.e. with infinite timeout
set myChoice to ""
repeat until myChoice is "Import"
set dispSet to my buildSet()
set myChoice to
display dialog ((dispSet as string) & return & "Disc Number")
default answer myDisc buttons {"Stop", "Edit", "Import"}
default button 3
set myDisc to text returned of myChoice
set myChoice to button returned of myChoice
if myChoice is "Edit" then my !EditOptions()
if myChoice is "Stop" then return
end repeat
-- Find the CD to import
-- if none, skip to the eject and wait portion
set theCD to ""
repeat with z from 1 to (count of sources)
if kind of source z is audio CD then
set theCD to audio CD playlist 1 of source z
set !AudioPlaylist to (a reference to audio CD playlist 1 of source z)
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if theCD is not "" then

-- Set the CD and Track Names and other information
set diskID to myDisc as number
if diskID < 10 then set diskID to "0" & diskID
set name of theCD to item 1 of mySettings
set artist of theCD to item 2 of mySettings
set disc number of theCD to myDisc
set disc count of theCD to item 3 of mySettings
set genre of theCD to item 5 of mySettings
set trackNum to 1
repeat with the_track in every track of !AudioPlaylist
set trackID to track number of the_track
if trackID < 10 then set trackID to "0" & trackID
set theName to (item 4 of mySettings) & "_" & diskID & " " & trackID
set name of the_track to theName
end repeat
if item 6 of mySettings is "Yes" then
set theName to (item 4 of mySettings) & "_" & diskID
set album of track 1 of !AudioPlaylist to theName
tell application "System Events"
tell process "iTunes"
set frontmost to true
click menu item "Select All" of menu "Edit" of menu bar 1
delay 1
click menu item "Join CD Tracks"
of menu "Advanced"
of menu bar 1
end tell
end tell
end if

-- Import the tracks
convert the tracks of !AudioPlaylist

-- Copy the tracks into the book's playlist
set playlist_name to item 1 of mySettings
if not (exists playlist playlist_name) then
make new user playlist with properties {name:playlist_name}
end if
if item 6 of mySettings is "Yes" then
set the_track_ref to
(get a reference to track ((item 4 of mySettings) & "_" & diskID)
of the_library)
copy the_track_ref to user playlist playlist_name
set album of the_track_ref to item 1 of mySettings
repeat with the_track in every track of !AudioPlaylist
set the_track_ref to
(get a reference to track (name of the_track) of the_library)
copy the_track_ref to user playlist playlist_name
end repeat
end if
end if

-- Eject the CD
«event aevtejct»

-- Wait until another CD is inserted
set disk_inserted to false
repeat until disk_inserted
display dialog "Insert next CD" giving up after 8.0 buttons {"Cancel"}
repeat with i from 1 to the count of sources
if kind of source i is audio CD then
set disk_inserted to true
end if
end repeat
end repeat
if theCD is not "" then set myDisc to myDisc + 1
end timeout
end repeat
end tell

on !EditOptions()
tell application "iTunes"
set editChoice to 1
repeat until ((editChoice is {}) or (editChoice is false))
set dispSet to my buildSet()
set editChoice to
(choose from list dispSet with prompt "Current book settings:"
default items {} with empty selection allowed)
if ((editChoice is not {}) and (editChoice is not false)) then
set myEye to my list_position(item 1 of editChoice, dispSet)
set newVal to text returned of
(display dialog (item myEye of allOptions)
default answer (item myEye of mySettings))
set item myEye of mySettings to newVal
end if
end repeat
end tell
end !EditOptions

on list_position(this_item, this_list)
repeat with i from 1 to the count of this_list
if (item i of this_list) is this_item then return i
end repeat
return 0
end list_position

on buildSet()
set dispSet to {}
repeat with g from 1 to (count of mySettings)
copy (item g of allOptions) & ": " & (item g of mySettings)
& return to end of dispSet
end repeat
return dispSet
end buildSet


!!!Version History #HistoryRef
;__Version 1.0__ (04-Feb-2006):Initial Version

  ·  0.0418s