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  #[booklink:0671318330:Ranks of Bronze] by David Drake
#[booklink:0743435605:Foreign Legions] by David Drake
#[booklink:0743435842:The Excalibur Alternative] by ["David Weber" BookListAuthorWeber]


!! Lt. Leary

# With the Lightnings
# Lt. Leary, Commanding
# [booklink:0743488644:The Far Side of the Stars] (2003) by David Drake
# [booklink:1416521062:The Way to Glory] (2005) by David Drake
# Some Golden Harbor


!!Lord of the Isles

#Lord of the Isles (1997)
#Queen of Demons (1998)
#Servant of the Dragon (1999)
#[booklink:0812575407:Mistress of the Catacombs] (2001) by David Drake
#Goddess of the Ice Realm (2003)
#Master of the Cauldron (2004)
#The Fortress of Glass (2006)
#The Mirror of Worlds (2007)

[book: 0812575407]

!!Hammer's Slammers

#[booklink:0671877941:The Tank Lords] (1997) by David Drake
# Caught in the Crossfire
# The Butcher's Bill
# The Sharp End



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