!!Personal Notes - WineMakingPersonalJourney - WineMakingLessonsLearned - WineMakingBetterBottle - HomeBoozeRipoff <!--ewiki_page_break !!Wine Log It is generally recommended to keep a log of one's attempts at making wine, for future reference and learning from one's mistakes. It occured to me that other's might find this useful, also. |{ cellpadding=2 border=1 cellspacing=0 width=100% nowrap=1 }{ bgcolor=gray style=color:white} __Batch__ | __Type__ | __Started__ | __Status__ | __Cost^^1^^__ | __Bottles__ | __Note__ | | WineMakingBatch01 | Grenache Rose | 06-Oct-2005 | Second Racking | $140 | - | Alexander's Concentrate | | WineMakingBatch02 | Merlot | 11-Oct-2005 | Bottled 11-Nov-2005 | $50 | 4 | ["Walmart Kit" WineMakingPersonalJourney#PresentDay] | | WineMakingBatch03 | Apple | 16-Oct-2005 | Primary Fermentation | $10 | - | ["Joy of Home Winemaking" http://www.joyofwine.net/wine101.htm] | | WineMakingBatch04 | Peach | 21-Oct-2005 | Primary Fermentation | $5 | - | ["Wonder Wine" http://www.wonderwine.com] | | WineMakingBatch05 | Apricot | 28-Oct-2005 | First Racking | $174^^__2__^^ | - | Vintner's Harvest Fruit Wine Base | |{ cellpadding=2 border=0 cellspacing=2 nowrap=1 }{ align=right} __Equipment & Ingredients Total Cost:__ |{ align=left colspan=2 } $379 | |{ align=right} __Total Bottles of Wine:__ | 4 produced | (40 projected) | |{ align=right} __Cost per Bottle:__ | $95 actual | ($9.50 projected) | ---- ^^__1__^^ These costs may seem high, but a majority is reusable equipment and chemicals. The purchases were also spread out over time. As more wine is made, the overall cost per bottle will go down. ^^__2__^^ Made using the Better-Bottle carboy system (WineMakingBetterBottle) <!--ewiki_page_break !!Recommended Links ["Jack Keller's Wine Making Homepage" http://winemaking.jackkeller.net] %%% A very well done website covering every aspect of winemaking in technical detail. Loads of information. He's also very good at answering ["questions" WineMakingQuestion] and has a useful and interesting ["blog" http://www.homebrew.com/wine_cellar/wineblog.shtml]. ["The Southampton Wine Making Pages" http://www.thewinepages.org.uk] %%% A more irreverent look at winemaking. Reminding us all that we sometimes take ourselves way too seriously. ["The Joy of Home Winemaking" http://www.joyofwine.net] %%% A happy medium between the above two links. I haven't read her book yet, but it's only a matter of time. ["The Better-Bottle Company" http://www.better-bottle.com] %%% One of the few complete systems designed for winemaking. See my observations ["here" WineMakingBetterBottle]. ---- !!Other Links I'm Using ["Example Winemaking Log" http://winemaking.jackkeller.net/log.asp] |