KitzKikz  KitzKikz: WineMakingBetterBottle   RecentChanges 
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  !Better Bottle Equipment Purchased (Cost: $130)
- 2, Carboys, 3 gallon, ported
- 2, Racking Outlet Assembly
- 2, Reusable Ported Closure
- 2, T Hose Barb Adaptor for Reusable Closure
- 2, 90 Deg Hose Barb Adaptor for Reusable Closure
- 2, Dry Tap Fermentation Lock for Reusable Closure
- 6 ft, PET-lined tubing, 1/2" ID
- 20 ft, PET-lined tubing, 3/8" ID
- 20 ft, PET-lined tubing, 1/4" ID

!Batches Made with this System
- WineMakingBatch05 - Apricot, 3 gallons
!Batches Made or In Process with this System
- WineMakingBatch05 - Apricot, 3 gallons

!General Observations


  ·  0.0938s