You can add new pages to this site in several different ways:
- Create a page for an unlinked WikiWord
- If you see a HyperLink or WikiWord followed by a question mark (such as UnknownPage?), that page does not exist yet.
- Clicking on the question mark brings you to a prompt allowing you to create that page.
- Many people, while editing and creating pages, create HyperLinks / WikiWords that they intend to add pages for later or they may leave the link alone, letting someone else from the community contribute.
- Create a page from a related subject (most common)
- Find a page with a related subject, the page you will create will be linked to from this related topic.
- Edit the related page by clicking on the EditThisPage link near the bottom.
- Find the right place to insert a HyperLink to your new page and give it a nice new WikiWord.
- Save changes, a question mark will appear behind the newly inserted WikiWord because the specified page does not exist yet.
- Click on that question mark and you'll be prompted to create the new page.
- Create an unrelated page from the SandBox
- Go to the SandBox
- Edit it and insert a new WikiWord.
- Save changes and click on the question mark behind the new WikiWord.
- Note that the newly created page will be an orphan (not linked to from anywhere else).