Version 0.4.6.i386 - 06-JUN-2006
- Recompiled to work with Intel based Macs.
Version 0.4.6 - 10-APR-2006
- View man and apropos pages in Safari using "man:topic(section)" or "apropos:search"
- Bug Fix: Sogudi would hang on some machines if a string of less than 11 characters was entered
- Bug Fix: If no "default_search" shortcut defined, then does not display "Sogudi" in search field.
- Bug Fix: Works with beta Safari versions 1.3 and 2.0
- Bug Fix: Correctly encodes search words containing certain punctuation (plus, equal, ampersand, etc.)
- Bug Fix: Adding a new shortcut and immediately removing it deleted the wrong shortcut. Fixed.
- Added Finnish & Simplified Chinese localizations.
Version 0.4.5 - 21-OCT-2004
- Faster.
- More tightly integrated with Safari
- Can keep up with speedy typists.
- Smarter
- A space in front invokes the "default" shortcut (back by popular demand).
- If the shortcut begins with "javascript:" then joins terms with %20 instead of "+"
- Passes parsing of "javascript:" urls to Safari.
- Stronger
- New special shortcut, "default_search". Takes over the Google search field.
- Better version checker, uses a separate thread.
- Different bundle loading format, will not load into non-Safari applications.
- Better
- Shows "Sogudi" in search field when active.
- Repaired encoding on some translation files.
- Added Dutch & Swedish localizations.
Version 0.4.4 - 02-OCT-2004
- Bug fix: No longer logging URL in system console.
- Added Italian, Danish, and French localizations.
- More installer improvements (handles home paths containing spaces).
- Moved menu item to Safari's application menu to conform to Apple HIG.
- Better URL encoding of search terms.
- Strips spaces from both ends of URL string (no more precede with space for default).
- Single word shortcuts work (no space required after shortcut).
- Quoted terms will be handled as a single term.
Version 0.4.3b - 15-NOV-2003
- Improved installer. No longer needs authorization.
- Added German & Spanish localizations.
- Now supports multiple insertion points in URL.
- Default shortcut ability added.
Version 0.4b - 07-NOV-2003
- Sogudi edit window available to non-english Safari.
- Added localization for international users.
- Seeking volunteers to TranslateSogudi to different languages.
- Cosmetic changes to the Sogudi window.
- Better auto version checking.
- Can disable auto version checking.
Version 0.3b - 04-NOV-2003
- Fixed some window elements to anchor properly when resizing the window.
- Saves window position and size.
- Fixed a bug with auto version checking that kept it from checking automatically.
Version 0.2b - 03-NOV-2003
- First Beta Release.
- Added GUI editing of shortcuts.
- Automatically/Manually check for updates.
- About Box and Website buttons added.
Version 0.1a - 10-OCT-2003
- Alpha Release.
- Basic functionality.
- Editing and adding shortcuts requires manually changing a plist file.
Future Thoughts
- Customizable drop down menu under the Google search area, can change search sites.
- Can load, share, upload, merge, switch shortcut files.