After purchasing the same book for the third time because I didn't remember that I've already read it, I decided to create a list of books that I've read. These pages are created mostly as a personal memory aid, but if anyone else benefits from them, so much the better. I may even post short reviews of the new books I read. Recently Read - Currently Reading - Will Buy Soon Recently Read
Flight of the Night Hawks (Dark War I)
Knife of Dreams (Wheel of Time 11)
The dead are walking, men die impossible deaths, and it seems as though reality itself has become unstable: All are signs of the imminence of the Last Battle, when Rand al'Thor, the Dragon Reborn, confronts the Dark One as humanity's only hope. But Rand dare not fight until he posseses all the surviving seals on the Dark One's prison, and until he has dealt with the Seanchan, who threaten to overrun all nations this side of the Aryth Ocean. The winds of time have become a storm, and things that everyone believes are fixed in place forever are changing before their eyes. Not even the White Tower itself is any longer a place of safety. Now Ran, Perin and Mat, Egwene and Elayne, Nynaeve and Lan, and even Loial, must ride those storm winds, or the Dark One will triumph.
Outbound Flight (Star Wars)
I've always felt that Zahn was the best of all the Star Wars Universe authors and his latest addition is no exception. This book nicely wraps up how Outbound Flight got started, and ended, where Thrawn came from and how he's starting to chafe at the Chiss attitude, and, more interestingly, how Thrawn and Darth Sideous first meet. He also manages to intersect Obiwan, Annakin, Nemoidians, and the original Jorus C'baoth into the story. I think it's a masterful way of tying his books, which were written long before the final three movies came out and were set after the final movie, with the more recent stories. I especially like seeing how Master C'baoth's attitude changes throughout the book. It explains how his clone, in Zahn's first Star Wars Trilogy, turned out the way he did. However, we don't see exactly how Thrawn get's drawn into the service of the Emperor or how Thrawn became the military genius that he is. Perhaps those are subjects for another book or two. -- KitzKikz
Class Dis-Mythed
After years as a court magician and inter-dimensional hero, Skeeve needed a rest. So he took some time off to study magic and relax. When a few months later several members of the M.Y.T.H. Inc. Team each ask him to train some talented, young magicians in "practical magic" he has to agree. But after the assassins attack and a manticore tries to eat them, the Khlad mage soon discovers that there is more going on than learning. His students are preparing for a very deadly magical game and you won't believe where. Worse yet, the game may be fixed, and the only way to save his students lives is for Skeeve to risk his own.
Currently Reading
In Fury Born
Will Buy Soon
Acorna's Triumph (Acorna)
Phantom (Sword Of Truth)
Not Yet Published (July 18, 2006)
A Feast for Crows (A Song of Ice and Fire, Book 4) Waiting for Paperback (September 26, 2006)
Roger Zelazny's Shadows of Amber (Amber)
Waiting for Paperback (Date Uknown)