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Wine Log

It is generally recommended to keep a log of one's attempts at making wine, for future reference and learning from one's mistakes. It occured to me that other's might find this useful, also.

WineBatch01Grenache Rose06-Oct-2005Bottled 26-Nov-2005$265 / 5Alexander's Concentrate
WineBatch01 3Grenache Rose06-Oct-2005Second Racking-- / 5Alexander's Concentrate
WineBatch02Merlot11-Oct-2005Bottled 11-Nov-2005$304 / 4Walmart Kit
WineBatch03Apple16-Oct-2005Bottled 26-Nov-2005$55 / 5Joy of Home Winemaking
WineBatch04Peach21-Oct-2005Primary Fermentation$5- / 5Wonder Wine
WineBatch05 2Apricot28-Oct-2005Discarded$240 / 15Vintner's Harvest Fruit Wine Base
WineBatch06 2Australian Red27-Nov-2005Bottled 11-Dec-2005$3924 / 24Belvino 7-Day Kit
WineBatch07Mead20-Feb-2006Primary Fermentation$43- / 9Marital Blessings Mead

WineMakingEquipment Cost 1:$289
Ingredient Cost:$172
Total Bottles of Wine (Actual/Projected):38 / 72
Cost per Bottle (Actual/Projected):$12.15 / $6.40

1 These costs may seem high, but a majority is reusable equipment and chemicals. The purchases were also spread out over time. As more wine is made, the overall cost per bottle will go down.
2 Made using the Better-Bottle carboy system (WineMakingBetterBottle).
3 This batch was split into two: part A was cleared using chemicals and bottled, part B will be allowed to clear naturally before bottling.



Recommended Links

Jack Keller's Wine Making Homepage
A very well done website covering every aspect of winemaking in technical detail. Loads of information. He's also very good at answering questions and has a useful and interesting blog.

The Southampton Wine Making Pages
A more irreverent look at winemaking. Reminding us all that we sometimes take ourselves way too seriously.

The Joy of Home Winemaking
A happy medium between the above two links. I haven't read her book yet, but it's only a matter of time.

The Better-Bottle Company
One of the few complete systems designed for winemaking. See my observations here.

Wine Making Guide
A great wine making guide for beginners, from what equipment you need to step by step instructions and videos.
Professionally designed and printed labels, with your supplied information. Well worth the cost. You could save money by buying your own label paper, designing a label, printing it out, cutting it down, etc. Using this service will save you time, effort, and frustration - giving you a very nice looking label every time.

Other Links I'm Using

Example Winemaking LogSweetening Wine



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