As of 01-Jan-2009, Sogudi is no longer supported and development has ceased. I have many reasons for this, but the only one that matters is that I no longer have the source code due to a simultaneous crash of my main and backup drives. I've spent more than a year trying to recover the code, but I've now admitted defeat and no longer intend to work on this project. My apologies to everyone -- KitzKikz
"Wow, it only happens occasionally that one encounters such useful programs! Thanks a lot for Sogudi, it really has become one of the most used utilities on my Mac." (More)
"Sogudi is one of those pieces of software that your brain gets used to. Then when you work on a computer (or another browser) that doesn't have it, you wonder how you lived so long without it." (More)
Now Works on Intel Based Macs!
NEW - You can now view Unix manual pages directly in Safari, without having to use an external application. Just type "man:grep" to see the unix man page for grep.
DescriptionConfigure your own shortcuts to search or visit your favorite sites using just a few simple keystrokes in Safari. Sogudi comes with several shortcuts included that allow you to search sites without waiting for their home pages to load, saving you time and effort.Example: Just type 'vt' followed by your search term(s) into the Location bar and hit return. Sogudi translates your text into a fully qualified URL and the VersionTracker search comences. Many more helpful shortcuts are included; you can modify these and easily create your own. Type 'mu' to search MacUpdate, 'dict' to search Dictionary.com, 'mov' for the Internet Movie Database, etc. If you leave off the shortcut, Sogudi will send all the words to its default shortcut instead. You can now type search terms into the address bar just like you can in the Google Search field from Apple. The difference is that Sogudi allows you to change the search engine you use. See the Default Shortcut topic below.
New in version 0.4.6
Languages Supported
View more shortcuts here.
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