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As of 01-Jan-2009, Sogudi is no longer supported and development has ceased. I have many reasons for this, but the only one that matters is that I no longer have the source code due to a simultaneous crash of my main and backup drives. I've spent more than a year trying to recover the code, but I've now admitted defeat and no longer intend to work on this project. My apologies to everyone -- KitzKikz



This is an attempt to track some issues that have arisen with Sogudi that don't belong on the FAQ or Feedback pages. I hesitate to call this a bug tracker, because many of the issues are not bugs. So, I'll call it an issue tracker :-)

To add an issue click on the "Add an Issue" at the top of the list below.

SogudiIssues Tracker  Add an Issue
20090923 Long Time Loyal User Desperately Seeking Sogudi for Safari 4.x CLOSED
20090803 How much money to get Sogudi re-written and going for Safari4 both PPC (what I have) and Intel (what many will want)? OPEN
20090620 Safari4 won't even start! OPEN
20080903 URL trailing in space crashes OPEN
20080225 Program doesn't install. CLOSED
20080214 Sogudi Beta - no Sogudi in Safari menu. OPEN
20080206 Sogudi Disappeared from Safari Menu CLOSED
20080107 man:command doesn't work on Leopard OPEN
20071210 Feature Request: Default shortcut OPEN
20071126 Incompatible with Safari 3 CLOSED 26-Nov-2007
20070911 Character encoding (chinese) OPEN
20070903 Quicksilver Issue OPEN
20070827 Still not working on Intel Mac OPEN
20070722 "dict searchquery" always loads CLOSED 23-Jul-2007
20070625 Search bar disabled OPEN
20070624 Can't use address bar or google search in Safari 3. CLOSED 2-Nov-2007
20070612 Will not work with Safari 3 beta CLOSED 2-Nov-2007
20070611 Sogudi issues with Safari 3 beta CLOSED 2-Nov-2007
20070411 Case sensitive ~FileSystem OPEN
20061108 Error loading bundle on Intel Mac CLOSED 12-NOV-2006
20060913 man: URLs do not work with space in path to Sogudi OPEN
20060902 Memory Leaks OPEN
20060809 "man:" seems strange to me CLOSED 9-Aug-2006
20060429 Not working on Intel Mac CLOSED 06-Jun-2006
20060409 Can't type anymore. OPEN
20060220 Wikipedia CLOSED 20-Feb-2006
20060202 Does not work on !MacIntel CLOSED 06-Jun-2006
20060101 Security bug. OPEN
20051231 Extended MAN Pages. CLOSED 31-Dec-2005
20050831 Doesn't work with 2.0.1 OPEN
20050617 Possible to *not* encode punctuation? OPEN
20050606 Plus (+) sign breaks on some sites OPEN
20050511 SIMBL incompatibility? CLOSED 1-Jun-2005
20050417 https ??? CLOSED 01-Jun-2005
20050413 Doesn't support dots in man page entries (i.e. smb.conf) OPEN
20050402 Incompatible with Safari 2.0/Tiger CLOSED 9-Apr-2005
20050308 Search box mouse over reads "type a word of phrase" CLOSED 26-Mar-2005
20050302 Typing Only Shortcut Hangs CLOSED 9-Apr-2005
20050301 "!HelloWorld" Hangs CLOSED 01-Mar-2005
20050208 Color text in Location or Address field. CLOSED 08-Feb-2005
20050111 Shortcuts don't work in Safari's search box. CLOSED 11-Jan-2005
20050101 "Sogudi" appears in search box CLOSED 9-Apr-2005
20041108 Incompatibility with Expose & 10.3.6 CLOSED 11-Jan-2005
20041105 Sogudi converts plus signs. CLOSED 9-Apr-2005
20041101 Multiple substitutions CLOSED 01-Nov-2004
20041026 Handling non-english character sets OPEN
20040205 Incompatibility with !PithHelmet CLOSED 21-Oct-2004



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